About MMID

Our Vision

  • To be the model industrial park development and river port facility in Myanmar.
  • To provide an optimum environment for healthy living, working, quality of life and investment

Our Mission

  • To generate employment opportunities and help to alleviate poverty in Mandalay Region.
  • To create and maintain  an effective, pro-business and service-oriented investment environment for Local and Foreign

*  Regular review of both our vision and mission are conducted by our Board to ensure they remain timely and relevant, and that our products and services continually drive towards them. Our most recent review was in Jan 2022.

MMID Corporate Value

At MMID, we believe following value shaping the company culture:

MMID Intro

MMID intro

Mandalay Myotha Industrial Development Public Co., Ltd (MMID) was incorporated under the Myanmar Companies Act on 27 February 2013 as a Public Company Limited by Shares.

MMID is the Developer for Mandalay Myotha Industrial Park City (MIPC) project, AyawaddySemeikhon Port(SMP), Air-Port Link Road project in Mandalay Region. MIPC project is a Joint-Development project between Mandalay Region Government(MRG) and MMID, which is a large scale mixed-used industrial park city covering 11,404 acres. SMP project is an inland river port development, 11 miles from MIPC which covers 380 acres with 1.5 Km of shoreline. Air-Port Link Road project is the newly open express connecting MIPC, SMP, Mandalay International Airport total 55 kilometers.

Business Model

The development will be carried out over 3 main phases, over a projected 15 years. While the focus during the initial years is on investment in infrastructure and logistics and warehousing facilities, the revenue streams for the MMID will be:

    1. The sales of Land Use Rights within the MIPC and SMP, that significant revenue can be expected once the Company rolls out its land sales program.
    2. Rental income from leasing factory
    3. Service charges of SMP services.
    4. Maintenance fee of infrastructure

The revenue will be shared to shareholder via dividends, to keep the sustainable development of the MMID.

Challenge Of The Company

Global economic is affected severely by the Corona Virus since early 2020, estimated foreign investment is delay, and new investment is postponed due to new restriction of COVID-19 precaution.

Any political, economic and social turmoil could adversely affect MMID’s development.

With the opening up of Myanmar’s economy, MMID may face direct competition from both local and foreign companies which may establish new industrial parks and river ports in central Myanmar. Industrial zones in other parts of Myanmar may also attract potential customers away from MMID.

The Myanmar banking system may restrict and limit the funding source of the project development.

MMID emphasizes the social connection with communities, the cooperation and communication with surrounding villages is the key of project development.

Group Affiliation

MMID is part of the Royal Hi Tech Group (“RHGC”) founded by U Aung Win Khaing. RHGC started as a Shan tea merchant and subsequently expanded into cement manufacturing, wood processing, steel fabrication, construction and recently, industrial development.


In 1989, U Aung Win Khaing founded Hi-Tech Company and started exporting value-added timber products. In 1994, Mandalay Cement Industrial Co., Ltd(MCICL) is set up as Myanmar’s first private-owned cement factory and at the same year Royal Hi-Tech Group(RHGC) is founded as mother company of all subsidiaries. In 2005, U Aung W in Khaingbecame the Board of Directors’ Chairman of Mandalay Royal Industrial Co., Ltd (MRIC) for steel fabrication.

With the guidance of Mandalay Region Government to improve the social economic status of the poorly developed areain central Myanmardry zone, Mandalay Myotha Industrial Development Public Company (MMID) is established and completed Public Offer in 2013.

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