Health & Safety

MMID suspends all public activities and implement
protection measure as COVID-19 precaution

On 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization(WHO) has announced COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. MMID commits the social responsibility in this critical situation, and announced to suspend all MMID public activities to minimize the risk of exposure of people from COVID-19 .

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, at Myotha Industrial Park City, Semeikhon Port, Head Quarter office, information center, MMID implements protective measures, which emphasize respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene by all employees, tenants and visitors.

By raising the awareness and implementing important basic protection, we together to overcome COVID-19 challenge.


  1. 1
    Occupational Safety & Health Policy

    • Always ensure a safe workplace condition
    • Enhance knowledge and compliance on occupational safety & health requirements
    • Continually review occupational safety & health management programmes
    • Continually improvement on occupational safety & health management system
      • With this policy, the MMID is committed to:-
    • Ensure proper identification and regular review of hazards and associated risks
    • Manage to eliminate & reduce the risks through effective risk management system.
    • Shall act as a team to continuously improve our Occupational Health & Safety performance- through overall commitment to comply with all applicable legal and interested parties’ requirements and prevention of injury and ill health.
    • Implementing systems for the management of OSH ensuring they are well communicated and maintain in accordance with MSMP management frame work
    • Communicate to all persons working under the control of the organization to make them aware of their individual Occupational Health & Safety obligations through briefings and training.
    • Monitor occupational health & safety performance based on relevant statistics (e.g. near misses, accidents) and by implementing, reviewing and improving our occupational health & safety management programmes periodically.
    • Deploying the best leadership and management structure & appropriate resources to deliver the policy and to ensure a continuous chain of responsibilities & accountabilities.
    • Make the policy available to interested parties, if required.

  2. 2
    Occupational Safety & Health Objectives

    • ‘‘Zero’ Lost Time Injury
    • ‘Zero’ Dangerous Occurrence
    • ‘Zero’ Falling from Height Incident
    • ‘Zero’ Heavy Machinery Incident
    • ‘Zero’ Fire Incident
    • Zero Lifting incident
    • The Project’s OSH goals and objectives shall be reviewed as and when the listed goals and objectives need to be updated after OSH Committee meeting, audits and instructions from MMID’s management.
    • MMID shall find the root causes and take the necessary measures when objectives are not met. The organization shall discuss in monthly safety committee meeting and develop the action plans and measurement to achieve the objectives within a reasonable time frame. The Action Plan shall be set up in management program. It shall be monitored regularly.
    • MMID will analyse the success factors for OSH improvement when the project objectives and goals are met. The success factors shall be discussed during OSH committee meeting and management meeting for future EHSS planning. It shall be communicated to all relevant personnel through related channels internally & externally.

  3. 3
    Occupational Safety & Health Management System

    • The purpose of this Occupational Safety & Health Management System is to provide a standard set
    • of minimum Occupational Safety & Health compliance requirements to be implemented at the Mandalay Myotha Industrial Development ( MMID ) Project.

  4. 4
    The OSH Management System includes the following

    • Implementing the effective Risk Management System to eliminate & reduce the risk to prevent any incident or near miss incident
    • Safe Work Procedures to eliminate or minimize risks for the various site activities and in compliance to established legal requirements
    • Training requirement for staff and workers relevant to the activities on site to enable them to perform their job in safe and efficient manner
    • Procedures for the investigation, analysis and reporting of any Incident or Accident on site
    • Enforce Rules and Regulations to be followed by everyone on site
    • Safety Promotion campaigns to increase OSH awareness
    • Evaluation for the Sub-contractors to ensure that they are complying to the OSH system
    • Site Inspections to be conducted to ensure that OSH objectives are being met
    • Maintenance of the machines used on site to ensure that they do not pose any safety hazard to the workers and to the environment
    • System for the storage, use, movement and disposal of Hazardous Substances and Chemicals to minimize occurrence of incidents
    • Effective, efficient and orderly response procedures in case of any Emergency
    • Responsibilities and requirements for the protection of workers from specific occupational health hazard
    • Compilation and maintenance of important records and Documents to enhance Audits and inspection and for future reference.

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    Elements of OSH Management System

    • Element 1: Occupational Safety & Health Policies & Objectives
    • Element 2: OSH Management Program
    • Element 3: Organization Responsibilities
    • Element 4: Safe Work Procedures
    • Element 5: Safety Training
    • Element 6: Group Meeting
    • Element 7: Accident/ Incident Investigations and Analysis
    • Element 8: In-house OSH Rules & Regulations
    • Element 9: OSH Promotion
    • Element 10: Evaluation, Selection & Control of Sub-Contractors
    • Element 11: Safety Inspection

  6. 6
    OSH Activities

    1. Safety Training
    2. Safety Inspection
    3. Group Meeting
    4. Safe Work Procedures
    5. Emergency Response

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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    +12 (0) 345 678 9