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Download MMID 7th AGM Invitation PDF File ...
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Download MMID 7th AGM Invitation(Newspaper) ...
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On 20 May, MMID and TSJ Green Power signed the joint Development for 2 MW solar project at MMID Head ...
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Statement on implement measures after COVID-19 confirmed casefrom one factory tenant at Myotha Industrial Park City ...
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            On 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization(WHO) has announced COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. MMID commits ...
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 26th May to 28th May Yangon Myanmar Expo Hall held China Myanmar(Yangon) Trade Fair which organized by Ministry of Commerce, Myanmar ...
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 Excursion trip of HNC-1 first year students from Strategy First University to Myo Thar Industrial Park City, Royal Semeikhon Port and ...
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