
  1. Environment Policy

    • Control the environmental impact
    • Comply with all applicable legal requirements
    • Continually review environmental management programmes
    • Continual improvement to meet the international environmental standards

  2. Environment Objectives

    • Zero Environmental & Compliance Incidents
    • No Water Pollution
    • No Air Pollution
    • No Noise Pollution
    • Environmental Friendly
    • No Harm to Public Health
    • To Meet Environmental International Standards

  3. Environmental Impact Assessment

    • MMID firstly engaged the ERE Consulting Group Sdn. Bhd to conduct the Initial Environmental Examination Report ( IEE ) on June 2012.
    • MMID again engaged the Environmental Resources Management (ERM), along with their local partner E Guard Environmental Services Co. Ltd. (eGuard) in August 2016 to undertake an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study for the SMP Port Project in accordance with the requirements of the of national / local environmental and social regulations, IFC 2012 Performance Standards (PSs), and applicable World Bank Group (WBG) Environmental, Health and Social (EHS) guidelines.

  4. Environmental Management System

    The Environment Management System is to establish procedures to help protect human health and the environment from the organization’s potential impacts of its activities, products or services; and to assist in maintaining and improving the quality   of the environment at the Mandalay Myotha Industrial Development Project.

    The objective of Environmental Management System is to define and identify the sources of environmental concerns, establish the control measures and regular monitoring procedures. Significant environmental aspects identified shall be taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining the Environmental Management System.

    The environmental requirements are derived from Myanmar Environmental Laws & Regulations, National Environmental Emission Guidelines, Code of Practices (CP),    IFC Environmental Pollution Control Standards , International Standards and MMID’s EHSS requirements. This Environment Management System shall be implemented       in conjunction with the relevant Code of Practice and regulations for environmental protection.

  5. The Elements of the EMS :

    • Element 1: Environment Policy
    • Element 2: Environment Objectives
    • Element 3: Legal Requirements & References
    • Element 4: Roles & Responsibilities
    • Element 5: Identification of Environmental Aspects & Evaluation of Impacts
    • Element 6: Impact Assessment Methodology
    • Element 7: Impacts & Mitigation Management Measures
    • Element 8: Environmental Sanitation
    • Element 9: Vector Control
    • Element 10: Air Pollution Control
    • Element 11: Noise Pollution Control
    • Element 12: Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases
    • Element 13: Environmental Management Plan
    • Element 14: Environmental Monitoring Programme

  6. Environmental Activities

    1. Environmental Training
    2. Environmental Inspection & Monitoring

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