U Than Oo was born on 2nd August 1957 in Shwekyin, Bago Region. After passing high school in 1974, he attended Yangon Institute of Technology. He received B.E (Mining) in 1980. In 1981, he attended Officer Training Course Batch No (63) and joined the engineering corps. He retired as Lt Col from the army in 2007 and worked as director, deputy director general, and member of the committee (director general) in Naypyitaw City Development Committee. While he was in NPTCDC, he attended study tours and urban planning courses in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. He retired from Naypyitaw City Development Committee in 2014.

He lives with his wife Daw Tin Mi Latt in Pyinoolwin and managing hotel and travel business, a private school and educational services.


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